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Showing posts from 2023

Women, victimized by those who claim to be their advocates. Me, I'd say if my daughter were subjected to this, well, I'd be loading magazines. This is not supporting 'diversity' or equal rights, this is continued, backward victimization of women.  Why do I care?  Those of you who know me know I was passed over for promotion. So a female who was married to a superior officer could take my spot. She was pregnant and therefore temporarily ineligible for promotion. I would let that go, except that she had 1 deployment under her belt, I had 9 at that time. I had rank on her, E6 vs 5. I don't know how she earned so much rank without combat in the years between 9/11 and 2003.  That didn't matter. I held a master's degree and more than a  decade of experience overseas, at the time. That's what really bothered me. I brought this to my chain of command. It was a terrible strug

Odd recent news...

 As a social scientist, an expert in strategic global human affairs with decades of experience accurately predicting things like the Iraq War, its outcome, etc. and working to stop a widening GWOT that may have repeated the Iraq debacle in Syria, I feel compelled to talk about today's news. Easy piece, China warning our birds out of their space. Who cares? We would do and have done, the same.  Behind the headlines, there is massive over reaction to our "quadrupling" of our forces in Taiwan. We have 30 guys there (on paper) x4 that's 120 guys. Barely an infantry company. Nobody actual thinks that matters. Our real numbers in Taipei? Meh. What about Ukraine? Were spending (laundering) more than 46 billion per year, more than we did in Afghanistan annually. I wonder about how much comes back to our political class ILLEGALLY sending these funds I to a war zone? Yes. Illegal. Believe it or not, it's illegal, under the constitution, reinforced by recent statues, to supp