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Latest Book Release "Salem's Son"

Hello everyone, as you may have seen my latest work is available on amazon. Find it HERE.
it looks like this:
I think it's beautiful, special thanks to my cover artist Nikos Pastais who provided use of the mesmerizing image for free.

Writing the book was agony, I've it says on the amazon page section 'from the author', but it was also a great learning experience. What I'm learning is the writing was the easy part. As a self-published author I'm having to learn the business end, something I neglected when writing Sigrunn's Saga.
It's not that I didn't believe in the Saga, I just had a lot of other things happening at the time. Just getting it as far as I did was a monumental achievement. One day it'll be know as a good early work for me. I still may be aggressively marketing it when I release the second edition with bonus material from the upcoming sequel.

But back to the new book. Between paying a professional editor, budgeting for marketing, giveaways, seeking professional reviews and entering in contests (yes, Salem's Son is that good), I'm being nickeled and dimed to death. Professional reviewers take a good long time to get to your work, if they decide to choose your submission, and well - the time to connect with them is astounding. I'm up until the wee hours reading and learning about the process. I'm working on building network and community - hoping for the best. Thanks for the support!


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