Wuhan Corona Virus, Chinese Virus, Corona Virus, COVID 19 - whatever you call the global pandemic it would appear we are not handling it by sending the best to fight it.
For the record, I call it 'The Bug' in past tense reference it will be ever after the 'Wuhan Virus'. I'm Chinese, I don't like having a virus named for my ethnicity but it's not the hill I want to die on. I don't want to die come to think of it. I'd like the idiots with national media power to inform to do that (inform not die) instead of bickering with the president about the nuances of the moniker for The Bug. He's already answered the question about why he calls it that move on to ask questions the people really want answers to. Like, where do I sign up for the checks I hear are coming?
Back to writing and blogging and blogging about writing. Right now I'm more interested in focusing on the craft, working on my art and writing my next book.
Today I saw someone - a writer ask about abandoning a WIP. I can't abandon anything. I will repurpose or shelve things for a long time, come back to them and reshape them. I hope I never abandon anything. She said it made her feel like a failure. I would probably feel that way too. I think though that other writers are encouraging her to be okay with shelving that work to come back to later. I have to admit though, and I told the girlfriend this but nobody else so here goes.
Confession, I was this close to abandoning Harvester of Tomorrow this last month. The Bug, isolation, and talking to other writers may have been the bump to dust off an old idea. Change of POV in the story. Honestly, it's necessary. My main takes a long rest and there is a lot of action going on while she's away that I can't have the reader miss. That action involves a new character who may (if he survives) be a major character in the third installment of the Salem's Son trilogy (Working Title: Second Coming).
Yes, the apocalyptic theme of Harvester of Tomorrow (HoT) continues. If you read the end of Salem's Son and the first chapter of HoT, you likely suspect Eric is a major player in HoT and the true name character for the series. Don't let the title of the third book trick you into thinking I'm bringing Nameless back either. He gets a name in HoT by the way. Choosing a name is a process so I'll do a post about how I named him in a later post closer to publication.
For now, don't abandon your WIPs, repurpose them as blog posts, DnD scenarios, even just a character backstory or a short story. Whatever it is don't throw it away, keep it and go back to it later who knows what you might get out of it later. Sorry, I'm all over the place, I'm sick with what seems like a cold but who knows it could be The Bug.
For the record, I call it 'The Bug' in past tense reference it will be ever after the 'Wuhan Virus'. I'm Chinese, I don't like having a virus named for my ethnicity but it's not the hill I want to die on. I don't want to die come to think of it. I'd like the idiots with national media power to inform to do that (inform not die) instead of bickering with the president about the nuances of the moniker for The Bug. He's already answered the question about why he calls it that move on to ask questions the people really want answers to. Like, where do I sign up for the checks I hear are coming?
Back to writing and blogging and blogging about writing. Right now I'm more interested in focusing on the craft, working on my art and writing my next book.
Today I saw someone - a writer ask about abandoning a WIP. I can't abandon anything. I will repurpose or shelve things for a long time, come back to them and reshape them. I hope I never abandon anything. She said it made her feel like a failure. I would probably feel that way too. I think though that other writers are encouraging her to be okay with shelving that work to come back to later. I have to admit though, and I told the girlfriend this but nobody else so here goes.
Confession, I was this close to abandoning Harvester of Tomorrow this last month. The Bug, isolation, and talking to other writers may have been the bump to dust off an old idea. Change of POV in the story. Honestly, it's necessary. My main takes a long rest and there is a lot of action going on while she's away that I can't have the reader miss. That action involves a new character who may (if he survives) be a major character in the third installment of the Salem's Son trilogy (Working Title: Second Coming).
Yes, the apocalyptic theme of Harvester of Tomorrow (HoT) continues. If you read the end of Salem's Son and the first chapter of HoT, you likely suspect Eric is a major player in HoT and the true name character for the series. Don't let the title of the third book trick you into thinking I'm bringing Nameless back either. He gets a name in HoT by the way. Choosing a name is a process so I'll do a post about how I named him in a later post closer to publication.
For now, don't abandon your WIPs, repurpose them as blog posts, DnD scenarios, even just a character backstory or a short story. Whatever it is don't throw it away, keep it and go back to it later who knows what you might get out of it later. Sorry, I'm all over the place, I'm sick with what seems like a cold but who knows it could be The Bug.
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