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Great news, we have a best seller on our hands!

Hello internet people, the book the Gettysburg Writers Brigade assembled is a best seller and making money for our charity fund. We had a successful book signing this past weekend at the Gettysburg Heritage Center - thanks to their team led by Tammy! 

It's only my second book signing but it was the most fun I've had since I've started writing. The Guild (or Cult as my co-workers call it) is an amazing bunch of talented men and women. We celebrated our successful launch with champagne and cake last night and began planning the next anthology. 

I'm having so much fun with the Guild that I have begun furiously spinning a series of short stories of my own. I submitted one to a contest today, fingers crossed, and that tale plus a score of others will be combined into my own first anthology of short stories. Look for it in February. 

I'm in love with the format now, I was afraid to attempt work in a short form but if you note my sparse style everywhere else, it seems a good fit. I'd share the contest submission but it's too personal. It might embarrass or hurt someone for its similarity to real life people and situations, as I found out the hard way earlier during it's development. If I win or place the contest, I'll share it. Deal? 

For now I'll share (again) the piece I'm working on for the second anthology - it's about zombies at the battle of Gettysburg. Sounds ridiculous but there is a hole in the history that can perfectly fit my zombies. Oh it's not ready to show you today but I'll polish it up and bring it soon. Yes historical fiction, with zombies. I'm not right in the head, my anthology theme will be full of death, monsters, creepy things and stuff that goes bump. 

You know what I really want to share this story - but the rules are it has to be previously unpublished so I have to at least let them process the submission before I release it here even at my own very personal blog. 

Is this personal? Not really. This is performance art of course. It's generally vanilla for the sake of my kids who may see it one day and everyone else. That right there is a good reason not to share my recent short story it's not PG13, it's R rated at least. So I don't talk about my involvement in the illegal torture program or decade in special operations and top secret globe trotting murder squads. I don't talk about the horrible things that happened overseas or ideas I've taken from real life and adapted into books. Example: Yngwie eats a guys eyeballs in the Saga of Sigrunn Wartooth. That's a fun real life story that I don't really want my kids to read so I haven't let them read that book yet and I won't share about it here. If any of my adoring fans would like to talk about those stories, bring me a donut or a vanilla milkshake and we can talk. Ok well, I'm on my way to subway for some snack. Good luck out there everybody! 

Oh more later, I'll try to pick up the pace to keep this a more enjoyable and engaging place. 



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