I've manage to book a trip to Ocean City Maryland in he next few weeks. This trip falls on the most expensive week you can book a hotel there. Why would I do this? Sometimes these things are beyond your control. I'm traveling with my significant other and we've timed our trip to have a slight overlap with her family's plan. Their travel plans are tied to when they could get a booking between other events; summer day camps and workload surges. The trip involves the extended family, a gramma, kids (x2, 10 and under) plus other relatives. So, my SO was invited but the craziness of that many people crammed into a 2 bedroom timeshare was too much (understandably, I have three kids of my own). So what to do when you have an obligation to travel, to a place not your own (I've never seen the appeal of OC), with people you barely know? Smile, accept you're going to pay a premium and do your best to enjoy it. There are smart things you can do. For example, my SO choose...
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