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Summer Travel Time is Peaking Soon!

I've manage to book a trip to Ocean City Maryland in he next few weeks. This trip falls on the most expensive week you can book a hotel there. Why would I do this? Sometimes these things are beyond your control. 

I'm traveling with my significant other and we've timed our trip to have a slight overlap with her family's plan. Their travel plans are tied to when they could get a booking between other events; summer day camps and workload surges. The trip involves the extended family, a gramma, kids (x2, 10 and under) plus other relatives. So, my SO was invited but the craziness of that many people crammed into a 2 bedroom timeshare was too much (understandably, I have three kids of my own).  

So what to do when you have an obligation to travel, to a place not your own (I've never seen the appeal of OC), with people you barely know? Smile, accept you're going to pay a premium and do your best to enjoy it. There are smart things you can do. For example, my SO choose our lodgings carefully after evaluating what our must haves on this trip were. We could have saved more booking further away from the central location (the beach) and chosen to be inland (Salisbury) and lodged in a beautiful B&B with a shared washroom, but we are also limited by traveling with her poorly mannered pooch and my edible bunny. 

It's could almost be a poorly written sitcom, but nobody would believe it. Of course, life is stranger than fiction isn't it? Technically it's my daughters bunny...long story. 

Here is my pointer, try not to get roped into exactly matching your plans to save sanity in this situation, this was the solution we found. We can participate in the family activity, but also have time to ourselves so the extra cost is worth it. We're going to save by cooking in room and keeping our activities simple - no matter where you go there are free or very economical activities; the beach, a national or state park, and other options. Sunsets cost nothing. Enjoy summer peak travel season, and if you are looking for some reading may I recommend Salem's Son? I hear it's good! 


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