It's been a while since I wrote. I've been tied up a bit. There is this war, my kids, lawyers, and a ton of stuff that would bore you to death. Right now, let's talk about my SOCOM pals who have had enough. 8 years ago, it was 5-800 of them in Jordan, and 2-300 in Iran, mostly on the Kurdish/Iraq border. They all knew what they were getting into. That's what they'd all say about me if our positions were reversed. Sole Survivor in some encounters. Their wives and families might feel different but it's of no consequence. How many grieving widows did you see on the news or MTV during the big popular wars? Not many. Definitely not our widows. Our wars, the small, silent, and angry ones were very personal. There were no fleets of fighter jets or any kind of cover. Most of our missions required preparation for suicide. No US marked anything. No ID, no Hanes socks, no whatever might make you American. But enough of that. How does this link to the title...
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