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Women, victimized by those who claim to be their advocates.

Me, I'd say if my daughter were subjected to this, well, I'd be loading magazines. This is not supporting 'diversity' or equal rights, this is continued, backward victimization of women. 

Why do I care? 

Those of you who know me know I was passed over for promotion. So a female who was married to a superior officer could take my spot. She was pregnant and therefore temporarily ineligible for promotion. I would let that go, except that she had 1 deployment under her belt, I had 9 at that time. I had rank on her, E6 vs 5. I don't know how she earned so much rank without combat in the years between 9/11 and 2003. 

That didn't matter. I held a master's degree and more than a  decade of experience overseas, at the time. That's what really bothered me. I brought this to my chain of command. It was a terrible struggle. My CO was a woman, also selected based on who she was married to. The SO and XO all women hated men, the SO was an open lesbian. She hated me specifically for reasons I can't disclose in an unclassified environ. 

When I got to my congressman I was told EEO laws don't apply to the DOD. They can do what they want.

Imagine that. The DOD can promote someone to lead units based on gender or race alone. 

Experienced combat troopers are left behind so our country is at increased risk because of race/gender quotas. 

Anyone cares? I doubt it. 

I killed more bad guys than cancer, and that bitch had a head start. I'll keep killing for my country if it can get its shit together. Right now, I'm a pacifist and refusing to use force of arms for a corrupt gov't that won't follow its own rules or international norms. 

The women who are subjected to torture and subjugation by bio-males in their spaces need an advocate. I'm happy, as a sexual assault survivor, to help real women fight against gender dysphroic. 

ALSO, why is gender dysphoria the only delusional state we indulge in? If a client says they're Napoleon, we shut that down no? We dismantle that delusion. If a client comes in with any delusion, we NEVER indulge it. Why is it different over the last few years for gender dysphoria? 


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