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Showing posts from March, 2020


Wuhan Corona Virus, Chinese Virus, Corona Virus, COVID 19 - whatever you call the global pandemic it would appear we are not handling it by sending the best to fight it. For the record, I call it 'The Bug' in past tense reference it will be ever after the 'Wuhan Virus'. I'm Chinese, I don't like having a virus named for my ethnicity but it's not the hill I want to die on. I don't want to die come to think of it. I'd like the idiots with national media power to inform to do that (inform not die) instead of bickering with the president about the nuances of the moniker for The Bug. He's already answered the question about why he calls it that move on to ask questions the people really want answers to. Like, where do I sign up for the checks I hear are coming? Back to writing and blogging and blogging about writing. Right now I'm more interested in focusing on the craft, working on my art and writing my next book. Today I saw someone - a wr...

No Writer Is An Island

So it's been years now, nine years of working on the three books and learning the process. With the Ox and Scorpio, it was how to assemble, select a self-publisher, use some of the web tools and establish some social media foothold - beginnings of a nascent 'author platform'. I joined the local writers' guild, the Gettysburg Writers Brigade (ht Gunner). Then Sigrunn's Saga was about refining a fiction narrative and working with a professional editor. It was my first fiction work. I waded a little further into the business end of being an Indie Author. I hosted a couple of special events, promotional events with giveaways, autograph sessions, and a little more social media and networking. I did more research and built on shelved collaborative efforts and projects. Finally, Salem's Son is published. Now we've put a new emphasis on branding with increased social media presence (I'm on twitter now) and a humble advertising budget. I've stepped up i...