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Showing posts from 2021

The Restless Dead of Gettysburg

 Hello, everyone! It's almost Halloween, my favorite holiday, so here is an appropriate tale for 'round the campfire. Actually, it's my contribution to the Gettysburg Writers Brigade annual anthology project for charity. The book will feature a number of our authors including some of our stars with multiple titles to their names besides Jim R. The book, to be called 'For the Love of Gettysburg' will also feature works by artists from last year, Jim R and I included. There will also be a handful of others to go along with new voices and some first-time short story writers. I do hope you can find it on amazon after our launch, we can't set up a pre-order but I'll let everyone know when it's available by updating this post with a link. For now, enjoy my contribution (one of two submissions), 'The Restless Dead of Gettysburg'!    The Restless Dead of Gettysburg  Another Gettysburg battle reunion. I’ve lost count of how many, but I’ve been to most of ...

Summer Travel Time is Peaking Soon!

I've manage to book a trip to Ocean City Maryland in he next few weeks. This trip falls on the most expensive week you can book a hotel there. Why would I do this? Sometimes these things are beyond your control.  I'm traveling with my significant other and we've timed our trip to have a slight overlap with her family's plan. Their travel plans are tied to when they could get a booking between other events; summer day camps and workload surges. The trip involves the extended family, a gramma, kids (x2, 10 and under) plus other relatives. So, my SO was invited but the craziness of that many people crammed into a 2 bedroom timeshare was too much (understandably, I have three kids of my own).   So what to do when you have an obligation to travel, to a place not your own (I've never seen the appeal of OC), with people you barely know? Smile, accept you're going to pay a premium and do your best to enjoy it. There are smart things you can do. For example, my SO choose...

Media Coverage Links!

 Hi all, just real quick - some recent media coverage feature the GWB and myself as we continue to do our educational outreach and charity works: Writerly Things, a local media piece about our mission, first launch, coming sequel and showcasing some of my best pals from the GWB:  A quick media blurb and photo (see if you can find me!) of the GWB presenting our proceeds to charity: and  Our first press piece about the GWB I can remember where I was mad I looked fat Have a great day everyone, keep reading! 

Refocus time; June is PTSD awareness month

 Sometimes we get away from our core focus and skills. This blog is about the craft, but I'm not the expert or master, I'm still learning. I enjoy my work with the Gettysburg Writers Brigade (hereafter GWB) and I am an active contributor. My primary focus needs to be on my voice and my writing and my fans. Today at GWB we focused on branding. I think I write from a place of great hurt. My brand is dark, suspicious, subversive, angry, but it's also hopeful, healing, and even loving. My heroes overcome with great sacrifice, they succeed because of their hurt, they're limitations. Certain important ideals I hold dear shine through.  One of my compatriots in the GWB, lets call him Tumbleweed, said after reading Salem that the best part was the afterword (he enjoyed the story too). The message about my own hurt and experience with healing, the resources listed and my offer to help anyone who asks, anyone that finds them in those haunted places near death where that story cam...

Long Absence Update!

Hello fans, friends and family! Guess what has happened? I just had my BEST sales month, for a month without a new book launch - thanks to all of YOU!!! Yes, word of mouth is driving sales. I have spent $0 on advertising these last three months, focusing on schooling and work. I've found suitable work for a writer who is slow in producing new tomes. Teaching. At least substitute teaching at the moment, but I'm back to work pursuing a second masters. This time, it's a teaching certification program in Pennsylvania,  The sales bump is all you, my readers sharing your kind words about my works, driving new and growing sales. So, THANK YOU ALL!!! I love my readers, I'm coming up with a promotional thank you give away to thank my kindest reviewers on goodreads and amazon, stay tuned for updates.  I do apologize for the delay in my postings, I am very sorry, I beg your pardon as I struggle with my disorders, the divorce, my growing kids (my oldest just had his worst year ever...

The Terrifying Science Behind The Short Story "Time Flies"

 I don't know if I mentioned Time Flies was to be a novel originally. It still may explode into one. I doubt it though the end is known... ...what isn't known however is our end. Or is it? Read this: snap shot here:  There - to those who may have scoffed at Dr. Morgan and Wong's efforts to save us from the cosmic horrors forcing our world to flee.